Come, Follow My Ears

“But he kept crying out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” and Jesus stopped and commanded that he be brought to Him” Luke 18:39b-40a

When other people are crying out to the Lord in their inner sanctuary, can we sense their silent plea? Do our ears resemble the ears of our Lord that we would hear those who are ready to embrace who He is? Jesus is also teaching us to hear differently in our lives and the lives of others. But before he can teach us how to hear, we have to experience being heard. We have to experience Jesus stopping and getting us to face Him.

In facing Him, in being heard, He gives us ears to hear as He does. When Jesus summons us during our prayer to speak our hearts, we learn to speak truthfully, we learn to speak the truth that we need mercy! Truth is like the medicine that melts ear wax.
Prayer:Our Father, we are deaf and mute. Have mercy on us! Give us the courage to cry out to you in the honesty and reality of our being and our lives.

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