Come, Follow My Nose

For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. 2 Corinthians 2:15

Jesus is the aroma of life. Is our spiritual nose active? Do we smell the aroma of life in other believers and the stench of death in the life of those perishing? Or are our noses attuned only to the pleasures and passions of this world? Furthering this thought, what is our spiritual smell? Do they smell life or death in us?

The fragrance of Christ increases during our transformation to Christ-likeness. Only the Holy Spirit can give us the spiritual nose to smell the life of God or death of sin in others. The critical question is how can He give us our new-creation-noses if we are attached to our old ones?

Prayer:Our Father, You are the breathe of life in us. You are our Life and our lives are Yours. This includes our noses that require transforming so that we can go to stinking places where people are crying out for You.

35 thoughts on “Come, Follow My Nose

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