Come, Follow My Heart

But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

During the time of Jesus, forgiveness is known to be a divine act. People pardon and repay one another when a wrongdoing is done. Only God forgives. This is why the religious elite in the Gospels was shocked and accused Jesus of blasphemy when He forgives others (Matthew 9:1-8). And yet, Jesus instructs us to forgive others (Matthew 6:12). In our text today, we see an even deeper reality – Jesus asks the Father to forgive others. Not only does Jesus forgive, but He also instructs His disciples to forgive; then He also asks His Father to forgive. In short, forgiveness is an act He initiates.

As we come and follow Christ today, He opens His heart to us inviting us to open our hearts to Him. From a broken heart to a forgiving heart, such is the journey of coming and following Christ. May we forgive others today upon learning afresh that the Father has forgiven us (Matthew 18:21-25).

Prayer:Our Father, forgive us our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors. Your Son has paid the price. Your Spirit gives us the power to release others and more so ourselves from the prison of unforgiveness.

7 thoughts on “Come, Follow My Heart

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  4. Eromosele Eunice says:

    I was blessed with this Devotional of today ,thank you Jesus for teaching me forgiveness.

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