Come, Follow My Bosom

There was reclining on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. John 13:23

Those who’ve cared for newborns understand the profound joy (and relief) of having a baby rest (finally!) on our chests. It is a position of intimacy for both parties because the other also leans on their back to support the baby on their chest. As we can glean from the text, John felt loved and supported. This text occurs in the last supper (John 13) where many other men were present although only John reclined on Jesus’ bosom. There are those God has sent to us for a moment, then there are those God has sent to us for a lifetime of relational stewardship.

Metaphorically, are our chests a source of love and support to others? Asked differently, do we feel loved and supported by Jesus? Can we see ourselves reclining on His bosom? Before we can love and support others, we have to rest on the bosom of Christ and experience His love.

Prayer:Our Father, we are tired and restless lost in our brokenness. Forgive us for not reclining on Your love as our source of satisfaction, fulfillment and identity. Change our independence to dependence upon You.

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