
Genesis 12:7-8
The LORD appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring, I will give this Land.” So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to him. From there he went on toward the hills…built an altar to the LORD and called on the name of the LORD.
It is often said of Abraham and the patriarchs that they built altars to the Lord. The altar, from a word meaning “place of slaughter,” in the period of the patriarchy was the center of family worship, being a place of sacrifice and devotion to God.
In most places God appeared to Abraham and reaffirmed His covenant or promise, he built an altar to God. He also built altars to call upon the name of the LORD – which signifies worship. We can trace Abraham’s paths by the altars he built. And we can find him in trouble when he was far removed from his altars. For instance, in Egypt, no record of him building an altar and that’s where he lied to Pharaoh and almost lost his wife.
When are we likely to be the most vulnerable to the attack of the evil one? Is it not when we have left or failed to build an altar or to offer upon it? When we have left the altar of family worship? When we have left the altar of private devotions of reading and prayer?
Go and build your altar, restore your altar, renew your commitment, and refuel your first love. Bring the family together in worship. And keep the holy fire on the altar of your devotion.

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