Come, Follow My Hands

Moved with compassion, Jesus stretched out His hand and touched [the leper], and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Mark 1:41

Jesus touches the untouchables. During the time of Jesus, touching a leper causes one to be unclean (Haggai 2:13) and yet Jesus touches him. He stretches out to touch the leper. It was an intentional touch, a touch to heal, a touch to dignify the person. More importantly, he touches those whom others avoid touching. Do our hands do the same?

How have the hands of Jesus touched us? Are there parts of who we are that remain untouched, that remain unclean? Here, we see that Jesus is willing to touch and to clean the untouchables in our lives. “I am willing, be cleansed.” These are the word of Jesus to those who invite Him to their dark parts.

Prayer:Our Father, without Your Son and Your Spirit we will remain in our uncleanliness. Yet, You are willing, able, and reach out to touch us by Your Son. We open our untouched parts to You so You can redeem them for Your glory.